A Hybrid Approach of Secret Sharing with Fragmentation and Encryption in Cloud Environment for Securing Outsourced Medical Database: A Revolutionary Approach
Cloud Computing, Healthcare, Database Outsourcing, Secret Sharing, Fragmentation, EncryptionAbstract
Cloud Computing is observed as the greatest paradigm change in Information technology. Data outsourcing is an inventive representation with the intention of trustworthy storage and proficient query execution to customers. Data stored on the cloud is showing great attention. However, the security issues allied with data storage over the cloud is a chief daunting cause for potential adopters. Hence the focus is to find techniques that will offer more security. Many diseases fighting organizations are working together io implement cloud as a data sharing vehicle. It is obligatory to build up innovative solutions with the intention of amalgamate diverse approaches in order to generate flexible and adaptable systems, particularly for achieving elevated levels of utilization of developed algorithms. In this document, we suggest an innovative model based on fragmentation, secret sharing and encryption for medical databases which will divide the data amongst several cloud service providers. We develop a systematic structure exploiting the sensitive nature of information and results in enhanced security level. A database for medical system is represented as Entity association and Relational model. A cloud based model is proposed to offer secure patient centric right to access PHR in a competent way. The simulation results implemented in NetBeans Java for performance evaluation of existing cryptographic techniques are shown. Our security model is evaluated using CrypTool 1.4.30 considering the entropy of algorithms. The future work includes development of a computerized system retrieving, storing and maintaining data efficiently and quickly.
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