A Brief Review of Messaging Protocol Standards for Internet of Things (IoT)


  • Abdullah Ahmed Omar Bahashwan National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia
  • Selvakumar Manickam Senior Lecturer and Researcher at National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia




Internet of Things (IoT), Applicaton protocol, Data protocols, MQTT, CoAP, Websocket


As the most recent development in cyberspace technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) has received substantial research attention. It now occupies a crucial role in advancing society and industry. IoT merges Social Networks and connects devices to allow people interact one another and simplify information sharing. IoT has two main aspects: the internal and the external. Whereas the latter side consists of sensors, actuators, etc. which are physically likely, the former consists of protocols that are highly important. IoT has particular protocols in different layers such as Transport layer, Physical/Link layer and Application layer, which is accountable for messaging and supplying services. This paper explores the foremost widespread IoT data transmission protocols and their main options. The protocols play a vital role in inventing up-to-date IoT projects and devices. This article provides an uncomplicated review of IoT data protocols based on user requirement.



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Author Biographies

Abdullah Ahmed Omar Bahashwan, National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia

Abdullah Ahmed Bahashwan received his bachelor degree in Computer Application from Osmania university Hyderabad India, in 2012. Currently, he doing master in science Internet Engineer at National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). His research interest includes Computer Networks, Internet Communication Protocols (IPv6), Network Security, and Internet of Thing.

Selvakumar Manickam, Senior Lecturer and Researcher at National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Malaysia

Selvakumar Manickam is a senior lecturer and researcher at National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), Universiti Sains Malaysia. He has authored and co-authored almost 130 articles in journals, conference proceedings and book reviews. He has graduated 7 PhDs and completed many Masters and undergraduate thesis/dissertation. He has given several key note speeches as well as dozens of invited lectures and workshops at conferences, international universities and for industry. He has given talks on Internet Security, Internet of Things, Industry 4.0, IPv6, Green ICT and Open Source technologies at various organizations and seminars. Currently, he is involved a number of key clusters under National Advanced IPv6 Centre, namely Internet Security, Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT), with focus on conducting scientific research in these respective areas. As of date, Dr. Selva has garnered funding in the form of grants and industrial projects worth almost RM2 million to date. He is also involved as committee member or representative at various technical forums locally and globally. He also lectures in various Computer Science and IT courses which includes development of new courseware in tandem with current technology trend. Apart from that, as senior trainer, he is actively involved in conducting professional courses on Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, SDN, IPv6, and other networking-related technologies. He also codes in Android, Java, .net, C, PHP and Python in relation to the R&D work and projects.


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How to Cite

Bahashwan AAO, Manickam S. A Brief Review of Messaging Protocol Standards for Internet of Things (IoT). JCSANDM [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];8(1):1-14. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/5315


