A Cloud Based Conceptual Identity Management Model for Secured Internet of Things Operation


  • Abubakar Bello Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia
  • Venkatesh Mahadevan Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia




Internet of Things, IoT Security, Identity of Things, Cloud IoT, Identity Management


An era ago, projecting artificial intelligence as the pillar of next-generation technology would have been technically difficult. Today, machines are getting smarter, sparking a new wave of technology that resulted to Internet of Things (IoT). With IoT in play, individuals are able to connect more electronic devices other than smartphones and computers to the Internet. The vision is to create the possibility to manage electronic appliances via the Internet with the most minimal human intervention. IoT promises the application of computing to anything anywhere, and anyone at any time. Thus, it has been estimated that over 100 billion devices will be running the IoT model – drawing the power of cloud processing to create a massive network of devices that are bound to change the essential facets of life in various dimensions. However, several obstacles remain to fulfill this vision, among them is security concerns from an Identity of Things (IDoT) management perspective. IoT devices and users are already under cyber attacks, and any lapse in identity management will propagate these attacks. This paper examined how identity management for IoT is likely to play out in a world where the Internet and cloud technologies are expected to take center stage in the running of day-to-day activities. The paper analyses the identity of things challenges in IoT, followed by a proposal of cloud identity management model for IoT.



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Author Biographies

Abubakar Bello, Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia

Abubakar Bello received his doctorate in IT with a technical, business and social focus on Cyber Security and Privacy, MBA with specialisation in ICT, and MSc and BSc (Software Engineering) in Computer Science. Dr. Abubakar has extensive research and teaching experience across information systems security management, and also worked across several corporations, privately held entities and government organisations where he provided security and privacy audit and risk management services. He also has a strong expertise in behavioural security analysis and continues to play a key role in security design innovation.

Venkatesh Mahadevan, Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia

Venkatesh Mahadevan gained his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Engineering, and Doctorate in Management Information Systems. Associate Professor Venkatesh has extensive teaching and research experience around the security of information systems, including many expert evaluations of different business management systems (such as Patient Management Information System, Hotel Management Information System and Remotely Accessible Management Information System for Vehicle Inspectors). Also, he has strong expertise in the end-to-end delivery of customer centric technology innovation and continues to play a major role in the planning and development of several IT management security-centric solutions.


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How to Cite

Bello A, Mahadevan V. A Cloud Based Conceptual Identity Management Model for Secured Internet of Things Operation. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2018 Jul. 11 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];8(1):53-74. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/5319


