Big Data Security Analysis with TARZAN Platform
Security, Big data, FrameworkAbstract
The TARZAN platform is an integrated platform for analysis of digital data from security incidents. The platform serves primarily as a middleware between data sources and data processing applications, however, it also provides several supporting services and a runtime environment for the applications. The supporting services, such as a data storage, a resource and application registry, a synchronization service, and a distributed computing platform, are utilized by the TARZAN applications for various securityoriented analyses on the integrated data ranging from an IT security incident detection to inference analyses of data from social networks or crypto-currency transactions. To cope with a large amount of distributed data, both streamed in real-time and stored, and for the need of a large scale distributed computing, the platform has been designed as a big data processing system ensuring reliable, scalable, and cost-effective solution. The platform is demonstrated on the case of a security analysis of network traffic.
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