User Behavioral Analysis Using Markov Chain and Steady-State in Tracer and Checker Model
Biometric authentication, mobile agent, intrusion detection, Markov chain process, TCM server, HIDSAbstract
Tracer and checker model is an intrusion detection technique that uses mobile agent to track the user behaviour in ad-hoc network. Mobile agent can migrate to host and execute tasks parallelly. We enhanced TCM model to identify the intrusion in a host by analysing user behaviour during authentication process. Markov chain is a random process that transit from one state to another which depends only on the current state but not the sequence of events. Mobile agent is used to analyse the user input behaviour during authentication process which helps to predict intrusion in the system. In this paper, a behavioural approach is handled to identify the intrusion process. Markovchain is used with the proposed behaviour approach and Mobile agents are used to distribute this functionality. Behavioural analysis is illustrated and simulation are experimented.
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