Database Security Enhancement by Eliminating the Redundant and Incorrect Spelled Data Entries


  • Rupali Chopade Department of Computer Engineering and IT, College of Engineering Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India
  • Vinod Pachghare Department of Computer Engineering and IT, College of Engineering Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India



Database security, redundancy, spell checker, Bloom filter, Edit distance


Database is used for storing the data in an easy and efficient format. In recent days large size of data has been generated through number of applications and same has been stored in the database. Considering the importance of data in every sector of digitized world, it is foremost important to secure the data. Hence, database security has been given a prime importance in every organization. Redundant data entries may stop the functioning of the database. Redundant data entries may be inserted in the database because of the absence of primary key or due to incorrect spelled data. This article addresses the solution for database security by protecting the database from redundant data entries based on the concept of Bloom filter. This database security has been obtained by correcting the incorrect spelled data from query values with the help of edit distance algorithm followed by the data redundancy check. This article also presents the performance comparison between proposed technique and MongoDB database for document search functionality.


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Author Biographies

Rupali Chopade, Department of Computer Engineering and IT, College of Engineering Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India

Rupali Chopade is a full time Research Scholar under AICTE-QIP scheme, at Department of Computer Engineering and IT, College of Engineering Pune, India. She is working as Assistant Professor at Department of Information Technology, Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering Pune, India. She has 17 years of teaching experience. Her research interest includes database forensics and database security. She has received “Distinguished HOD “Award by Computer Society of India (CSI) in 2017.

Vinod Pachghare, Department of Computer Engineering and IT, College of Engineering Pune, Savitribai Phule Pune University, India

Vinod Pachghare is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, College of Engineering, Pune (An autonomous institute of Government of Maharashtra), India. He has 29 years of teaching experience and has published the books on Cloud Computing and Computer Graphics. Dr. Pachghare has over 37 research publications in various international journals and conferences. His area of research is network security. Also he is a member of Board of studies in Computer Engineering/Information Technology of a number of Autonomous Institutes. He is an Investigator for the Information Security Education and Awareness [ISEA] Project, Ministry of Information Technology, Govt. of India. He was a Principal Investigator for a research project “Wireless IDS”, sponsored by AICTE, New Delhi. He delivered lectures on recent and state of the art topics in Computer Engineering and Information Technology as an invited speaker. He has received “Best Faculty Award” 2018 by CSI, Mumbai Chapter.


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How to Cite

Chopade R, Pachghare V. Database Security Enhancement by Eliminating the Redundant and Incorrect Spelled Data Entries. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 8 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(2):403-20. Available from:



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