Exploring The Correlation between Cyber Security Awareness, Protection Measures and the State of Victimhood: The Case Study of Ambo University’s Academic Staffs





Cybersecurity awareness, multiple linear regression, protection measures, victimhood to cyber-crime


The advancement of information communication technology has triggered a revolution in using the Internet for legitimate educational purposes on university campuses. Therefore, the Internet has changed the way of human communication and contributed to the development of mankind. On the other hand it is regrettable that its revolution has helped malicious users to exploit it for the malign purpose to commit a cyberspace crime that has in turn negatively affected fellow users who were preyed on by cyber predators. This work aimed to examine the awareness of cybersecurity, the measures taken to protect against cyberattacks and the state of victimization among professors at Ambo University. Thus, the present study comes up with the following findings. First, the result shows that the respondents’ cybersecurity awareness was significantly influenced by cyber-crime victimization, fields of study, and protection measures. Second, the current study also depicts that the respondents’ protection measures were connected to and influenced by cyber-crime victimization, education level, and cyber-security awareness. Finally, the study’s findings show that being a cyber-crime victim has been linked to predictors’ variables: protection measures and the level of cybersecurity awareness.


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Author Biographies

Bayisa Kune Mamade, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hachalu Hundessa Campus, Ambo University, Ethiopia

Bayisa Kune Mamade has attended Dokuz Eylul University which is found in Turkey, Izmir and received his M.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2015. He gained diploma in laws in 2010 from Oromia State University. He received B.Sc. in Information Technology in Education from Addis Ababa University in 2005. He has experiences of teaching in higher educational institutions since 2005. Currently he is in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Hachalu Hundessa Campus, Ambo University, Ethiopia.

Diriba Mangasha Dabala, College of Social Sciences and Humanity, Ambo University, Ethiopia

Diriba Mangasha Dabala has attended Addis Ababa University and received his M.A in International Relations in 2014. He has pursued LL.B in Laws from Ambo University in 2016; He has also gained Bachelor of Education in Civics and Ethical Education from Wollega University in 2010.He had teaching experiences of couples of years and still teaching in Ambo University since 2010 in the College of Social Sciences and Humanity, Ethiopia.


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How to Cite

Mamade BK, Dabala DM. Exploring The Correlation between Cyber Security Awareness, Protection Measures and the State of Victimhood: The Case Study of Ambo University’s Academic Staffs. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 14];10(4):699-724. Available from: https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JCSANDM/article/view/5673


