Cyber Security for Intelligent World with Internet of Things and Machine to Machine Communication


  • Vandana Rohokale Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
  • Ramjee Prasad Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark



Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine Communication (M2M), Cyber Security, Cybercrime, etc


The growth of interconnected objects through Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine Communication (M2M) is no doubt inevitable. The researchers have predicted that by 2020, around fifty billion objects throughout the world will be connected with each other with the help of internetwork of smart objects. With the number of networked objects, grows the number of cyber-crime threats. Forthcoming fifth generation of mobile communication will be the converged version of all the wired and wireless networking services and technologies. The heterogeneous networking approach gives rise to various cyber threats. Design of robust cyber security solutions for such heterogeneous networks with smart devices is challenging task.


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Author Biographies

Vandana Rohokale, Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

V. M. Rohokale received her B.E. degree in Electronics Engineering in 1997 from Pune University, Maharashtra, India. She received her Masters degree in Electronics in 2007 from Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India. She received her PhD degree from CTIF, Aalborg University, Denmark under the guidance of Prof. Ramjee Prasad. She is presently working as Dean, R and D at SKN Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Sciences (SKNSITS), Lonavala, Maharashtra, India. Her research interests include Cooperative Wireless Communications, AdHoc and Cognitive Networks, Physical Layer Security, Information Theoretic security and its Applications, Cyber Security, etc.

Ramjee Prasad, Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF), Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

R. Prasad is currently the Director of the Center for TeleInFrastruktur (CTIF) at Aalborg University, Denmark and Professor, Wireless Information Multimedia ommunication Chair.

Ramjee Prasad is the Founder Chairman of the Global ICT Standardisation Forum for India ( established in 2009. GISFI has the purpose of increasing of the collaboration between European, Indian, Japanese, North-American and other worldwide standardization activities in the area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and related application areas. He was the Founder Chairman of the HERMES Partnership – a network of leading independent European research centres established in 1997, of which he is now the Honorary Chair. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), USA, the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (IETE), India, the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), UK, Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) and a member of the Netherlands Electronics and Radio Society (NERG), and the Danish Engineering Society (IDA). He is also a Knight (“Ridder”) of the Order of Dannebrog (2010), a distinguished award by the Queen of Denmark. He has received several international award, the latest being 2014 IEEE AESS Outstanding Organizational Leadership Award for: “Organizational Leadership in developing and globalizing the CTIF (Center for TeleInFrastruktur) Research Network”. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the Springer International Journal on Wireless Personal Communications. He is a member of the editorial board of other renowned international journals including those of River Publishers. Ramjee Prasad is a member of the Steering committees of many renowned annual international conferences, e.g., Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium (WPMC); Wireless VITAE and Global Wireless Summit (GWS). He has published more than 30 books, 900 plus journals and conferences publications, more than 15 patents, a sizeable amount of graduated PhD students (over 90) and an even larger number of graduated M.Sc. students (over 200). Several of his students are today worldwide telecommunication leaders themselves.


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How to Cite

Rohokale V, Prasad R. Cyber Security for Intelligent World with Internet of Things and Machine to Machine Communication. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2015 May 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];4(1):23-40. Available from:




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