The Sad History of Random Bits


  • George Markowsky School of Computing & Information Science, University of Maine



Debian, system accident, SSL, SSH, Bitcoin, cryptography, security breach, software engineering, PRNG, pseudo-random numbers, booby trap, BSAFE, Dual_EC_DRNG


In this paper we examine the history of using random numbers in computer programs. Unfortunately, this history is sad because it is replete with disasters ranging from one of the first pseudo-random number generators, RANDU, being very bad to the most recent efforts by the NSA to undermine the pseudo-random number generator in RSA's BSAFE cryptographic library. Failures in this area have been both intentional and unintentional, but unfortunately the same sorts of mistakes are repeated. The repeated failures in getting our “random numbers” correct suggests that there might be some systemic reasons for these failures. In this paper we review some of these failures in more detail, and the 2006 Debian OpenSSL Debacle in great detail. This last event left users of Debian and its derivatives with seriously compromised cryptographic capabilities for two years. We also illustrate how this failure can be exploited in an attack. We also modify the concept of a system accident developed in the work of Charles Perrow [1]. We identify some system failures in building pseudo-random number generators and offer some suggestions to help develop PRNGs and other code more securely.


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Author Biography

George Markowsky, School of Computing & Information Science, University of Maine

George Markowsky spent ten years at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center where he served as Research Staff Member, Technical Assistant to the Director of the Computer Science Department, and Manager of Special Projects. He came to the University of Maine as the first Chair of the Computer Science Department. During 2004–2005 he was Dean of the American-Ukrainian Faculty at Ternopil National Economic University in Ukraine. In 2006–2007 he was Visiting Professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Lally School of Management and Technology. He became Chair of the Computer Science Department again in 2008 and served in that capacity until the Department became part of the new School of Computing and Information Science at which time he became the Associate Director of the School. In 2013–2014 he has been a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Computing Security at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is currently Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maine. George Markowsky has published 113 journal papers, book chapter, book reviews and conference papers on various aspects of Computer Science and Mathematics. He has written or edited 15 books and reports on various aspects of computing. He also holds a patent in the area of Universal Hashing. His interests range from pure mathematics to the application of mathematics and computer science to biological problems. He has also built voice controlled and enhanced keyboard terminals for use by paralyzed individuals. He is very active in homeland security and is the director of the University of Maine Homeland Security Lab.


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How to Cite

Markowsky G. The Sad History of Random Bits. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 5 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];3(1):1-26. Available from:


