Measurable Security, Privacy and Dependability in Smart Grids


  • Josef Noll University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, UNIK, Kjeller, Norway
  • Iñaki Garitano UNIK, Kjeller, Norway
  • Seraj Fayyad University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, UNIK, Kjeller, Norway
  • Erik Åsberg eSmartSystems, Halden, Norway
  • Habtamu Abie Norwegian Computing Centre (NR), Oslo, Norway



Smart Grid, Security, Privacy, Dependability, Embedded Systems, Internet of Things, Measurable Security, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI


This paper presents a methodology for assessing security, privacy and dependability (SPD) of embedded systems. The methodology, developed through the European collaboration SHIELD, is applied for the smart grid network as deployed in the South of Norway. Three Smart Grid use cases are analysed in detail, being billing, home control and alarm.

The SHIELD methodology uses a Multi-Metrics approach to evaluate the system SPD level during running processes and compares it with use case goals for S, P, and D. The simplicity, applicability, and scalability of the suggested Multi-Metrics approach is demonstrated in this paper. It shows that a single configuration is not sufficient to satisfy the given goals for all use cases.


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Author Biographies

Josef Noll, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, UNIK, Kjeller, Norway

J. Noll is professor at the University of Oslo in the area of Wireless Network and Security. His work concentrates on personalised and context-aware service provisioning, and measurable security for the Internet of Things (IoT). He is also Head of Research in Movation, Norway’s open innovation company. He is founding member of the Center for Wireless Innovation, the collaboration of 7 Universities/University colleges in Norway. He is involved in several international projects, including nSHIELD for measurable security in IoT systems, Citi-Sense-MOB for mobile air quality measurements, GravidPluss for mobile diabetes advise, and Ka-band propagation for polar regions. In the area of Internet of Things he was project leader of the Artemis pSHIELD project. Previously he was Senior Advisor at Telenor R & I in the Products and Markets group, and project leader of Eurescom’s ‘Broadband services in the Intelligent Home’ and use-case leader in the EU FP6 ‘Adaptive Services rid (ASG)’ projects, and has initiated a.o. the EU’s 6th FP ePerSpace and several Eurescom projects. In 2008 he received the IARIA fellow award. He is editorial board member of four International Journals, as well as reviewer and evaluator for several national and European projects and programs.

Iñaki Garitano, UNIK, Kjeller, Norway

I. Garitano is currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at UNIK-University Graduate Centre, Norway. He received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Mondragon in 2014 in the area of industrial control systems security. Prior to that he received the M.Sc. degree in Telecommunication Engineering from University of Mondragon. His current research interests include measurable Security, Privacy and Dependability (SPD), Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and Internet of Things (IoT). He participated, and currently is involved, in research projects funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Basque Government, the Spanish Government and the European Union.

Seraj Fayyad, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, UNIK, Kjeller, Norway

S. Fayyad, PhD researcher at Movation AS and the University of Oslo/UNIK, he received his M.Sc. degree in computer engineering in the area of «reliable systems» from the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His research interests include IT security with concentration on measurable security for sensors in the Internet of People, Things and Services (IoPTS). He is involved in several international projects, including nSHIELD for measurable security in IoT systems, Citi-Sense-MOB for mobile air quality measurements.

Erik Åsberg, eSmartSystems, Halden, Norway

E. Åsberg is currently Head of Development and Product Architect at eSmart Systems. He received his degree in Software Design from Østfold University College. He started his career at Institute for Energy Technology as a systems developer, continuing at Hand-El Scandinavia working with Customer Information Systems and at Nasdaq OMX working with Risk Management Systems. At Navita Systems (later Brady Plc.) he continued as team lead for software development on their risk management system for mitigating risk in the financial energy and commodity markets. At eSmart Systems he is responsible for system development and overall system architecture. He is heavily involved in system specification working closely with the customers. eSmart base their architecture on Azure, Microsoft’s cloud solution, and Erik has extensive knowledge of the services available on the platform and works closely with Microsoft to optimize eSmart’s cloud based solutions.

Habtamu Abie, Norwegian Computing Centre (NR), Oslo, Norway

Dr. H. Abie is currently a senior research scientist at the Norwegian Computing Center. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the University of Oslo. He has previously been a scientific associate and fellow at CERN, researcher at ABB Corporate Research, Norway, software development engineer at Nera-AS, Norway, Alcatel Telecom Norway AS, Oslo, Norway, and senior engineer and research scientist at Telenor R & D, Norway. He has a solid and extensive background in the design and development of real-time systems, and the design, modelling and development of security for critical systems. He participates as a reviewer and member of the technical program committee in international conferences and workshops and reviews scientific papers in books and international journals. He co-organizes international workshops in conjunction with highly reputed international conferences, and serves as a project proposal reviewer for research and higher academic institutions. His past and present research interests encompass adaptive security, privacy and trust in distributed and communications systems, architecture and methodology, formal methods and tools, hard real-time systems, and mobile, ubiquitous, Internet of Things (IoT), and ambient intelligent computing, and adaptive and evolving algorithms.


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How to Cite

Noll J, Garitano I, Fayyad S, Åsberg E, Abie H. Measurable Security, Privacy and Dependability in Smart Grids. JCSANDM [Internet]. 2015 Apr. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 2];3(4):371-98. Available from:


