Research on Efficiency Optimization of Logistics Vehicle Monitoring Model Based on Wireless Sensor Network
Logistics carriage supervisory, improved bat algorithm, Wireless sensor network, coverage ratioAbstract
For enhance running effectiveness efficiency of logistics carriage supervisory depended on wireless sensor network (WSN), a novel wireless sensor network optimized by improved bat algorithm is established. Firstly, working theory and system framework of WSN depended on logistics monitoring system are analyzed. Secondly, B-MAC protocol is used in proposed wireless sensor network, and corresponding models are established, and recovery ratio of wireless sensor network is defined, and node deployment optimization of wireless sensor network is constructed. Thirdly, the optimization algorithm of node deployment of WSN is designed based on amended bat algorithm, and analysis procedure of this algorithm is established. Finally, a simulation analysis is carried out, analysis results show that performance of proposed WSN logistics carriage supervisory based on improved bat algorithm is better, which has quicker convergence speed and higher convergence precision, and reliability of proposed WSN logistics carriage supervisory is improved, the energy consumption of sensor node data transmission is reduced, and the life of WSN is improved. Proposed WSN based on logistics carriage supervisory based on improved BA has higher coverage ratio and higher efficiency. Therefore proposed wireless sensor network based on logistics carriage supervisory based on improved bat algorithm can obtain better monitoring efficiency, which has prospect application view.
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