Cross-layer Authentication Mechanism Model Combined with 5G Converged Channel Fingerprint
5G, channel fingerprint, cross-layer, authentication mechanismAbstract
In the actual communication environment, once the attacker successfully steals the legitimate channel information, the key information can be cracked according to the authentication response, so there is a security risk of key leakage. This paper combines the physical layer channel characteristics with the shared key, and combines it into a joint key to design a challenge-response physical layer authentication mechanism based on interpolation polynomial. Then, this method is applied to the EAP-AKA’ authentication protocol of 5G network, and a cross-layer authentication mechanism for 5G converged channel fingerprint is proposed. Finally, using the captured high-level authentication challenge response data, a simulation environment is built in MATLAB and the feasibility and security of the scheme are verified. The experimental results show that the authentication mechanism has better authentication performance and security performance. Compared with the traditional high-level authentication mechanism, it has certain advantages in computing overhead and can meet the 5G application scenarios of large-scale IoT terminals. Moreover, it combines physical layer authentication with high-level authentication, realizes mutual complementarity and mutual enhancement, and enhances the security performance of authentication.
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