Future Mobile Communication Services on Balance between Desire for Freedom and Trust
mobile communication market, mobile evolution, 5G, contextaware communications, user-centric networkingAbstract
Some applications introduced in each 5G mobile communication project (5G-P) assume special use cases such as when many people simultaneously use their mobile phone in a restricted area like a stadium or when using traffic safety systems are in common. And, some of them such as mobile healthcare and the Internet of things (IOT) have already been presented by many people. However, the reasons those applications will be widely used are uncertain.And then, most authors of articles related to future mobile communication made no mention of business schemes such as who deploys network infrastructure or who provides service content.
However, histories of existing mobile communication markets may show applications that are different from the ones written in the above articles and new business schemes that are different from existing ones.
In this paper, I introduce results of analysing histories of existing mobile communication markets show that communication applications are always dominant and they have evolved based on users’ desire for communication. The other hand, some SNSs who are recent communication application having privacy security problems have left from the mobile communication market. And then, results of analysing the business models of the network carriers show that deregulation of mobile communication carrier operators has expanded the mobile communication market. On the other hand, I point out that excessive deregulation can cause problems, mainly security problems, for customers.
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