Vulnerability of Radar Protocol and Proposed Mitigation


  • Eduardo Esteban Casanovas Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Av. General Paz 142, 1◦ “B”, CP:5000 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-95-426291
  • Tomas Exequiel Buchaillot Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Complejo Palmas del Claret, casa 165, CP:5000 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-6874923
  • Facundo Baigorria Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Perez del Viso 4428, CP:5009 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-6821829



Air traffic control, Radar, Transport protocol, Vulnerability, Mitigation


The radar system is extremely important. Each government must ensure the safety of passengers and the efficiency of the system. This is why it has to be considered by suitable and high-performance professionals. In this paper, we have focused on the analysis of a protocol used to carry the information of the different flight parameters of an aircraft from the radar sensor to the operation center. This protocol has not developed any security mechanism which, itself, constitutes a major vulnerability. Every country in the world is going down this road, relying just on the security provided by other layer connections that could mean a step forward but definitely still not enough. Here we describe different parts of the protocol and the mitigation politics suggested to improve the security level for such an important system.



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Author Biographies

Eduardo Esteban Casanovas, Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Av. General Paz 142, 1◦ “B”, CP:5000 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-95-426291

E. E. Casanovas received his B.Sc degress in Electronic Engineering from the University of National Defense in Buenos Aires, Argentine, Postgraduate in Telecommunication Systems from National University of Cordoba in 2000 and Postgraduate in Cryptography and Teleinformatic Security from University of National Defense in 2004, and by the end of 2005 he received his MSc in Engineering Sciences, Telecomunication mention from the National University of Cordoba. He has acquired a solid expeerience in Telecomuinication System in different areas like, Access link, transmission system and computer network. He also has a huge experience in Information Security, Pen testing, Forensic, Security network, Auditing and Security Standards. He has teaching experience at The National University of Cordoba and the Aeronautical University Institute in Argentine but he also teach in different courses at the National University of Paraguay, National University of Honduras, Mayor University of San Andres in La Paz – Bolivia. He has published several papers in related journals and national and international conferences, the two last was in the Security Congress for Latin America. He is also a Researcher categorized in the Personal Regime Research and Development of the Armed Forces – RPIDFA – Class Id Gpo C Cat 3. He work for nine year at Intel corporation, six years at ICB consulting as Security Director and the last five years he is the General Manger at Security Consulting Group.

Tomas Exequiel Buchaillot, Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Complejo Palmas del Claret, casa 165, CP:5000 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-6874923

T. E. Buchaillot is an Informatic Engineer graduated from “Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico”. In 2015 he presented a research paper called “Vulnerability of Radar Protocol and Proposed Mitigation” at the ITU Kaleidoscope which obtained a special mention due to its importance in today’s world. Along with the previous mentioned acknowledgement, it got him also a “Young Paper Author” recognition.

Later that year, Tomás co-founded an Informatic Solutions business called BlueHarvest and since then he has been developing web and mobile apps for small and large companies.

Facundo Baigorria, Instituto Universitario Aeronáutico, Perez del Viso 4428, CP:5009 Córdoba, Argentina. 54-351-6821829

F. Baigorria is a Software Engineer and System Analyst. He went to Instituto Universitario Aeronautico where he received his degree this year. In 2015 he attended to ITU Kaleidoscope and received a special mention for his paper “Vulnerability of Radar Protocol and Proposed Mitigation”. He is working in a software developing company.


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How to Cite

Casanovas, E. E. ., Buchaillot, T. E. ., & Baigorria, F. (2016). Vulnerability of Radar Protocol and Proposed Mitigation. Journal of ICT Standardization, 4(1), 65–86.


