Wi-Trust: Computational Trust and Reputation Management for Stronger Hotspot 2.0 Security


  • J.-M. Seigneur University of Geneva, Medi@LAB, G3S, CUI, Réputaction SAS, Geneva




Wi-Fi, public hotspot, computational trust, reputation management


In its list of top ten smartphone risks, the European UnionAgency for Network and Information Security ranks network spoofing attacks as number 6. In this paper, we present how we have validated different computational trust and reputation management techniques by means of implemented prototypes in real devices to mitigate malicious legacy Wi-Fi hotspots including spoofing attacks. Then we explain how some of these techniques could be more easily deployed on a large scale thanks to simply using the available extensions of Hotspot 2.0, which could potentially lead to a new standard to improve Wi-Fi networks trustworthiness.



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Author Biography

J.-M. Seigneur, University of Geneva, Medi@LAB, G3S, CUI, Réputaction SAS, Geneva

Dr. Jean-Marc Seigneur has published more than 100 scientific publications worldwide in the field of online reputation, trust, security and privacy. He is an expert of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), expert evaluator of the European Commission R&D multimillion euros’ projects and academic member of the ITU standardization efforts for security, trust and privacy in smart cities, Internet of Things (IoT) and converging networks. In 2010, he has launched the Augmented Human International Conferences series with now more than 1600 newsletter subscribers. After being a Research Fellow of Trinity College Dublin, he is now part-time Senior Lecturer & Research Manager at the University of Geneva, President of Réputaction SAS and Chief Marketing & Research Officer of GLOBCOIN at OPTIM INVEST SA. He has provided computational trust and online reputation management consulting to many companies (Amazon, Philips, Swissquote . . .) and has been on the scientific board of a few of them (Venyo, Thales . . .).


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How to Cite

Seigneur, J.-M. . (2017). Wi-Trust: Computational Trust and Reputation Management for Stronger Hotspot 2.0 Security. Journal of ICT Standardization, 4(3), 213–236. https://doi.org/10.13052/jicts2245-800X.433


