Mobile Subscriber Profile Data Privacy Breach via 4G Diameter Interconnection
SS7, Diameter, IPX, securityAbstract
The interconnection network (IPX) connects telecommunication networks with each other on the globe. The IPX network enables features like voice and data roaming with your mobile device while traveling. Designed as a closed network it is now opening and unauthorized entities now misuse the IPX network for their purposes. The majority of the IPX still runs the Signalling System No 7 (SS7) protocol stack, while the more technically advanced operators roll out and deploy Diameter based LTE roaming. SS7 is known to suffer from many attacks. The first attacks using the Diameter protocol appeared. We will show how an attacker can breach the subscriber’s privacy by deducting the subscriber profile from the Home Subscriber Service (HSS) and use the obtained information. The subscriber profile contains all key information related to the users’ subscription e.g. location, billing information, MSISDN etc. We will close with a recommendation how to prevent such an attack.
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