Management, Orchestration and Charging in the New Era


  • Thomas Tovinger Chairman of 3GPP SA5, Ericsson, Sweden
  • Jean-Michel Cornily Vice Chairman of 3GPP SA5 & Rapporteur, Orange, France
  • Maryse Gardella Chairman of 3GPP SA5 SWG & Rapporteur, Nokia, France
  • Chen Shan Vice Chairman of 3GPP SA5 SWG & Rapporteur, Huawei, China
  • Chen Ai Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, China Mobile, China
  • Anatoly Andrianov Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Nokia, USA
  • Joey Chou Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Intel, USA
  • Jan Groenendijk Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Ericsson, Ireland
  • Zhang Kai Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Nokia, China
  • Zou Lan Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Nokia, China
  • Xiaowen Sun Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, China Mobile, China
  • Weixing Wang Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Nokia, China
  • Zhu Weihong Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, ZTE, China
  • Yizhi Yao Rapporteur of 3GPP SA5, Intel, USA



Management, Orchestration and Charging in the New Era


In December 2017, 3GPP passed two major milestones for 5G by approving the first set of 5G New Radio (NR) specifications and by putting in place the 5G Phase 1 System Architecture. These achievements have brought about the need for new management standards, as 5G adds to the ever-growing size and complexity of telecom systems.

3GPP management standards from Working Group (WG) SA5 are approaching another major milestone for 5G. With our studies on the 5G management architecture, network slicing and charging completed last year, we are now well under way with the normative work for the first phase in 3GPP Release 15, which includes building up a new service-oriented management architecture and all the necessary functionalities for management and charging for 5G networks.

SA5’s current work also includes several other work/study items such as management of Quality of Experience (QoE) measurement collection and new technologies for RESTful management protocols. However, this article will focus on the new 5G Rel-15 architecture and the main functionalities, including charging.


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Author Biographies

Thomas Tovinger, Chairman of 3GPP SA5, Ericsson, Sweden

Thomas Tovinger received a Master of Science degree in Engineering Physics with Computer Science specialization at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1980. He joined Ericsson the same year and since 1993 he has been a standardization delegate representing Ericsson as an OSS expert in ETSI and 3GPP. He has held numerous rapporteurship and leadership positions in 3GPP SA5 since 1999, particularly Vice Chair from 2007 to 2015 and Chair from 2015 until present date. He has also co-authored a number of articles in 3GPP News and IEEE Communications Magazine.

Jean-Michel Cornily, Vice Chairman of 3GPP SA5 & Rapporteur, Orange, France

J-M. Cornily received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Rennes, France, in 1988. As an Operations, Administration & Maintenance (OA&M) architect and standards expert, he actively participated in ITU-T SG15, ETSI TM and OMG. He co-authored ‘Achieving Global Information Networking’ (Artech House). As an Orange representative to 3GPP since 2008 and Vice-Chairman of 3GPP/SA5 since 2013, he has been rapporteur for topics such as e.g. 3GPP networks energy efficiency, and integration of ONAP for the management of 5G networks.

Maryse Gardella, Chairman of 3GPP SA5 SWG & Rapporteur, Nokia, France

M. Gardella holds the 3GPP SA5 Charging SWG Chairman position since 2013. She is graduated from Ecole Centrale de Lyon - France (Master of Science, Engineer’s degree in Telecommunications). She started her career (working for Alcatel) in GSM Mobile Industry from the early beginning, and was further involved in Mobile Networks Architectures & Protocols evolution activities. She has over 15 years of experience in the field of standardization, focusing from 2008, on “Charging Architecture and protocols” by joining the 3GPP SA5 Charging SWG. During this period, she actively contributed to support Operator’s business models in their network evolution towards 3GPP new technologies (e.g. from GSM, to GPRS, UMTS, LTE and now 5G) and services. Representing Nokia, she is currently playing a key role in shaping the 3GPP 5G charging architecture and solutions to the new service based concept, for the industry to benefit from new software technologies.

Chen Shan, Vice Chairman of 3GPP SA5 SWG & Rapporteur, Huawei, China

Chen Shan received her Bachelor’s Degree in Electronic Information Engineering from Wuhan Institute of Technology and Master degrees in Intelligent Control from Dalian University of Technology, CHINA. She joined Huawei in 2007 and she is a standardization delegate of Huawei in 3GPP (5G WI rapporteur and SA5 SWG Charging Vice chair from 2016), ITU-T and IEEE.


3GPP TS 28.304: “Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP); Requirements”.

3GPP TS 28.305: “Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS)”.

3GPP TS 28.306: “Control and monitoring of Power, Energy and Environmental (PEE) parameters Integration Reference Point (IRP); Solution Set (SS) definitions”.

3GPP TS 28.530: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Concepts, use cases and requirements”.

3GPP TS 28.531: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Provisioning; Stage 1”.

3GPP TS 28.532: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Provisioning; Stage 2 and stage 3”.

3GPP TS 28.533: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Management and orchestration architecture”.

3GPP TS 28.540: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; NR and NG-RAN Network Resource Model (NRM); Stage 1”.

3GPP TS 28.541: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; NR and NG-RAN Network Resource Model (NRM); Stage 2 and stage 3”.

3GPP TS 28.542: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; 5G Core Network (5GC) Network Resource Model (NRM); Stage 1”.

3GPP TS 28.543: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; 5G Core Network (5GC) Network Resource Model (NRM); Stage 2 and stage 3”.

3GPP TS 28.545: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Fault Supervision (FS); Stage 1”.

3GPP TS 28.546: “Management and orchestration of networks and network slicing; Fault Supervision (FS); Stage 2 and stage 3”.

3GPP TS 28.622: “Telecommunication management; Generic Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS)”.

3GPP TS 28.708: “Telecommunication management; Evolved Packet Core (EPC) Network Resource Model (NRM) Integration Reference Point (IRP); Information Service (IS)”.

3GPP TS 32.240: “Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging architecture and principles”.

3GPP TS 32.255: “Telecommunication management; Charging management; 5G Data connectivity domain charging; stage 2”.

3GPP TS 32.290: “Telecommunication management; Charging management; 5G system; Services, operations and procedures of charging using Service Based Interface (SBI)”.

3GPP TS 32.291: “5G system; Charging service, stage 3”.

3GPP TS 32.298: “Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging Data Record (CDR) parameter description”.

3GPP TR 32.864: “Telecommunication management; Study on management aspects of virtualized network functions that are part of the New Radio (NR)”.

3GPP TR 32.866: “Telecommunication management; Study on a REST(REpresentational State Transfer)-ful HTTP-based Solution Set (SS)”.

3GPP TR 32.972: “Telecommunication management; Study on system and functional aspects of energy efficiency in 5G networks”.

3GPP TR 21.866: “Study on Energy Efficiency Aspects of 3GPP Standards”.

3GPP TS 23.501: “System Architecture for the 5G System”.

3GPP TS 23.502: “Procedures for the 5G System”.

3GPP TS 23.503: “Policy and Charging Control Framework for the 5G System; Stage 2”.

ETSI ES 203 237 V1.1.1 (2014-03): “Environmental Engineering (EE); Green Abstraction Layer (GAL); Power management capabilities of the future energy telecommunication fixed network nodes”.




How to Cite

Tovinger, T. ., Cornily, J.-M. ., Gardella, M. ., Shan, C. ., Ai, C. ., Andrianov, A. ., Chou, J. ., Groenendijk, J. ., Kai, Z. ., Lan, Z. ., Sun, X. ., Wang, W., Weihong, Z., & Yao, Y. . (2018). Management, Orchestration and Charging in the New Era. Journal of ICT Standardization, 6(1-2), 159–178.


