QoXcloud: A Cloud Platform for QoE Evaluation
QoS, QoP, QoE, QoBiz, QoX, CloudAbstract
The current financial situation, together with the new market conditions, has led to major changes in the ICT sector over the last few years. Many services that in the past were only offered by operators are now held by third parties through the cloud, which has caused a shift towards new business models at the expense of a more traditional market. Furthermore, these economic changes have conducted to socio-cultural transformations with great impact on the user’s behaviors.
In this paper a cloud platform for the measurement and evaluation of the Quality of Experience (QoE) is presented. The platform is based in a model (QoXphere) that ensures the user satisfaction in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) and the provider economic benefits, as demanded in current market situation. In addition, the proposed cloud architecture intends to help in the advance of the work item recently opened in ITU-T to establish an ITU recognition procedure of testing laboratories with competence in ITU-T Recommendations by providing a unified cloud environment in which to validate them.
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