Realization of Service-Orientation Paradigm in Network Architectures


  • Rahamatullah Khondoker Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstr. 75, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Abbas Siddiqui Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Paul Müller Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
  • Kpatcha Bayarou Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstr. 75, Darmstadt, Germany



SOA, Network Architecture, Selection & Composition, Template, AHP


The implementation of communication protocols in the current Internet architecture is tightly-coupled which hinders the evolution of the Internet. This article describes how the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) can be employed to develop a flexible network architecture. The prototype of the concept has been developed and demonstrated in the EuroView 2012 workshop. We showed that the SOA paradigm can be applied to networks by utilizing the concepts of self-contained building blocks, dynamic protocol graphs (PGs) and functional composition (FC) methods. We demonstrated that both short-term flexibility (i.e., networks are adapted based on application requirements) and long-term flexibility (i.e., networks can be evolved) can be achieved by using the architecture.


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Author Biographies

Rahamatullah Khondoker, Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstr. 75, Darmstadt, Germany

Since 2010, Rahamatullah Khondoker has been working towards his PhD degree on “Description and Selection of Communication Services for Service Oriented Network Architectures (SONATE)” at the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany. He was awarded from Ericsson, Germany in the year 2008 and from the FIA Research Roadmap group in October 2011. Currently, he is affiliated with the Fraunhofer SIT located in Darmstadt, Germany. He worked with the DFG project (PoSSuM), BMBF projects (G-Lab, G-Lab DEEP, Future-IN), and EU projects (PROMISE, EuroNF). Currently, he is focusing on the security of Future Internet Architectures, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

Abbas Siddiqui, Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Abbas Siddiqui is a Ph.D. candidate with the topic of Flexibility in the Network Architectures, where he proposed a partial-runtime composition approach to create customized network-stacks. The name of his approach is “Template-Based Composition”. After completion of his master in “Electrical & Communication Engineering” with focus on Mobile & Internet Engineering from University of Kassel, Germany, he started to work as a software engineer in the industry, where he gathered several years of experience as a software developer before, leaving the industry for the sake of research. His current research revolves around Service Architectures, Smart Living, e-Health, and Sensors Technology.

Paul Müller, Integrated Communication Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

Paul Müller is a Computer Science (CS) professor and director of the regional computing center at the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany. His current research interests are mainly focused on distributed systems, Future Internet (FI), and service-oriented architectures. His research group Integrated Communications Systems(ICSY) is aiming at the development of services to implement integrated communication within heterogeneous environments especially in the context of the emerging discussion about FI. This is achieved by using concepts from service-oriented architectures (SOA), Grid technology, and communication middleware within a variety of application scenarios ranging from personal communication (multimedia) to ubiquitous computing.

Kpatcha Bayarou, Fraunhofer SIT, Rheinstr. 75, Darmstadt, Germany

Dr. Kpatcha Bayarou received his Diploma in electrical engineering/automation engineering in 1989, a Diploma in computer science in 1997, and his Doctoral degree in computer science in 2001, all from the University of Bremen in Germany. He joined the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (Fraunhofer SIT) in 2001. He is the head of the “Mobile Networks” department that focuses on Cyber Physical Systems and Future Internet including vehicular communication. Dr. Bayarou managed several EU and nationally funded projects and published several conference papers related to security engineering of mobile communication systems, mobile network technology, and NGN (Next Generation Networks).


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How to Cite

Khondoker, R. ., Siddiqui, A. ., Müller, P. ., & Bayarou, K. . (2014). Realization of Service-Orientation Paradigm in Network Architectures. Journal of ICT Standardization, 1(3), 329–346.




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