Towards a Framework for Health IT Standardization in Mexico


  • Arturo Serrano-Santoyo CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico,
  • Veronica Rojas-Mendizabal CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
  • Roberto Conte-Galvan CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
  • Amanda Gomez-Gonzalez Mexican Space Agency
  • Angelica Baptista Silva Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brasil



Health IT, standardization, innovation, ICT regulation


The increasing penetration of ICT in the health sector, in conjunction with the explosion of converging applications covering biotechnology, nanotechnology and green technologies, is creating important opportunities for developing efficient systems and processes that can improve the quality and coverage of health services in developing countries. The pace of technology growth and the lack of comprehensive technology adoption programs and a sound regulatory environment present important challenges if these countries are to take full advantage of the new international scenario of digitalization and global convergence. The role of standardization in a complex and highly converging context is particularly relevant. In consequence, national ICT regulatory administrations in emerging economies are committed to consolidating and strengthening their standardization processes and policies, and national health institutions acknowledge the need for standards that include information technology elements in medical practices. This article delineates the basic elements for the development of a comprehensive framework for Health IT standardization in Mexico. We take into account the multidimensional and complex nature of the standardization process and the importance of interactions among all the actors involved. Our proposal stems from the establishment of a National Program for eHealth in Mexico as recommended by both the WHO and the ITU.


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Author Biographies

Arturo Serrano-Santoyo, CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico,

ARTURO SERRANO-SANTOYO Dr. Serrano-Santoyo earned his Doctor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico City in 1980. In 1981 he received the ALCATEL Annual Telecommunications Award for his contributions to rural satellite communications in Mexico and Latin America. He has been a telecommunications consultant for the Organization of American States and the United Nations, as well as for many private companies and governmental agencies. He is currently researcher at CICESE Research Center in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico and Professor at the Autonomous University of Baja California.

Veronica Rojas-Mendizabal, CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

VERONICA ROJAS-MENDIZABAL Veronica Rojas-Mendizabal is a Telecommunications Engineer. She earned her Master's degree in Telecommunications and Telematics from the Catholic University of Bolivia (UCB) in La Paz, Bolivia in 2008. She collaborated with the Regional Center for Education in Space Science and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean (CRECTEALC), a United Nations space educational center, in Puebla, Mexico. She is currently a doctoral student in Electronics and Telecommunications at CICESE Research Center in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico.

Roberto Conte-Galvan, CICESE Research Center, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

ROBERTO CONTE-GALVAN Dr. Roberto Conte-Galvan got his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech, USA) in 2000. He coordinated the first Gradute course on Telemedicine in Mexico and Latin America. He is currently a Full Researcher at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications and member of the Telecommunications Networks Group at CICESE Research Center in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Dr. Conte serves as representative and executive liaison with the Mexican Space Agency.

Amanda Gomez-Gonzalez, Mexican Space Agency

AMANDA O. GOMEZ-GONZALEZ Dr. Gomez- Gonzalez got her PhD in telecommunications. She has more than 20 years of experience regarding national and Latin American programs in telemedicine, telehealth and e-Health. She was founding director of the Mexican National Tele-health Programme. Dr. Gómez-González is currently governmental development manager of the Mexican Space Agency and Professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM.

Angelica Baptista Silva, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brasil

ANGELICA BAPTISTA SILVA Dr. Angelica Baptista Silva earned a PhD in Public Health in 2013. She is a specialist in Internet with a degree in Social Communication and Journalism. She was coordinator of the Health TV Channel at the Department of Information Technology of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/FioCruz from 1998–2011 and since 2012 coordinates the activities of the Telehealth Laboratory of the National Institute of Women, Children and Adolescent's Health Fernandes Figueira (IFF/FioCruz) and the International Network of Human Milk Banks. She is currently member of the Advisory Committee and coordinator of the Content Usage Working Group at the Brazilian Telemedicine University Network/RUTE.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Santoyo, A. ., Rojas-Mendizabal, V. ., Conte-Galvan, R. ., Gomez-Gonzalez, A. ., & Baptista Silva, A. . (2014). Towards a Framework for Health IT Standardization in Mexico. Journal of ICT Standardization, 1(3), 347–362.


