Carbon Emission Estimation & Reduction in Indian Telecom Operations: A Standardization & Policy Perspective


  • Krishna Sirohi President – Impact Innovations in Technology & Business (i2TB), India



Carbon Emission Estimation & Reduction, Carbon Foot-printing, TRAI, Traffic Profile, Green Telecom, Telecom Service Provider (TSP), Infrastructure Provider (IP), Renewable Energy Technology (RET).


This Paper is Standardization Perspective of the problem definition of Carbon Emission Estimation and Reduction exercise in Indian Telecom Networks. It includes the relevant interpretation of the TRAI recommendations, current practices of estimating Carbon emission and the associated issues. It brings out the techno-managerial perspective to estimate carbon emission in Indian Telecom network, description of with the currently adopted methods and their implications. It also suggests how the entire telecom sector may be geared up to identify all potential areas for energy efficiency optimization in every part of the telecom network such that all parts of the telecom networks are addressed to achieve significant reduction in Carbon Emission. Some key aspects related to necessary framework for accurate estimation, setting realistic national targets for carbon emission reduction, automatic online gathering of carbon emission parameters from Infrastructure provider (IP) and telecom equipment based on IoT Framework have been presented for suitable consideration for related policy formulation. The paper summarizes the need for Standardization and policy formulations actions to achieve good progress in making telecom network infrastructure sustainable.


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Author Biography

Krishna Sirohi, President – Impact Innovations in Technology & Business (i2TB), India

Krishna Sirohi has 25 years of experience from technology development leadership within both the telecom field and the defense sector. He is currently heading Impact Innovation in Technology & Business (i2TB) a technology incubation enabler unit of Samridhi Projects Private Limited (SPPL). i2TB is currently associated with few Technology Startup initiatives in their early or growth stages as well as with established organizations establishing their new technology businesses. He also heads Standards Committee of GISFI, the Global ICT Standardization Forum of India. GISFI is aligned with national policies and program in the field of Telecom, IT & Service based on emerging ICT infrastructure. He has been founding CTO of VNL, India’s first initiative in private sector to develop sustainable rural telecommunication infrastructure using wireless technology. Prior to VNL he had served in Government’s three major Indian R&D organizations in the field of Telecom and Defense Electronics. These organizations are CDOT, Bharat Electronics and Indian Telephone Industry.

Krishna has a Masters degree in Engineering (4 years Integrated course) from the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore in year 1988 and BSC(H) in Physics from Delhi University.

He has been associated with technology development program of national importance. These programs includes India’s first Large Capacity digital Switch design at ITI, India’s first indigenous Command-Control-Communication-Intelligence (C3I) System for Indian Navy’s Warfare Ships at BEL, India’ first Mobile Network technology development program at CDOT and most innovative rural wireless solution at VNL.

He has represented in various international organizations and forums and contributed several internal forums and policy making exercises for domestic technology development programs.

He has been Vice-Chair of Special Interest Group (SSG) on “Beyond 3G Systems” of ITU-T and has leaded the standardization of Fixed and Mobile network convergence.

Email:, (alternate) Phone: +919899488800


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How to Cite

Sirohi, K. . (2013). Carbon Emission Estimation & Reduction in Indian Telecom Operations: A Standardization & Policy Perspective. Journal of ICT Standardization, 1(2), 221–240.


