Negotiating with UtilitiesProcedures and Techniques


  • Paul Cunningham P.E. President, Tile Aitus Croup


The foundation of your success most likely will rest on the support
of management at all levels in your organization. Many will want to
continue looking to the pa st and the old way of doing business. Others
may be suspicious of change.
Get Buy-In with Extensive Communication
One of the most critical elements to the success of negotiations for
a new package with your utility companies is the strong, continuing un-
derstanding and support from upper management. Most are not familiar
with the involved process that is required to put together a "win-win "
agreem ent. Often there is a fear, because deregulation is perceived to
lead your company into "uncharted waters."
The key tool is communications-early, often and in the detail nec-
essary to give comfort on the direction of the negotiations.


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Author Biography

Paul Cunningham, P.E. President, Tile Aitus Croup

Paul Cunningham, P.E., has more than 30 years' experience as a consulting engineer and utility executive. He has performed more than 100 studies of engineering, financial, managerial and political feasibility for a variety of projects.

In the area of planning and organizing, he developed stud ies to establish a unique joint electrical utility for four cities with a Iu- year capital improvement plan of $1.7 billion, including a 400 MW lignite generating plant, participation in a nuclear plant, and related transmission facilities.

Mr. Cunningham supervised financing totaling $60 million and pr eliminary work on another $150 mill ion while coordinating with rating serv ices, banker s and others in the financial community. He is a regi stered Professional Engineer in Texas, Colorado and Louisiana.

PaulCunningham, P.E. , President, The Auue Group, 2407 North Cooper s: Arlington, TX 76006 (817) 265-8822; fax (817) 795-8718.


lControlfor the Proc ess Industries; Putnam Publications; "H ow to Get Your

Project Approved: Know Your Boss," September 1996.

Energy User News; Chilton Business News Magazine; "Bu ying Electric-

ity; New Deals in Power"; Vol. 21, No.9 ; September 1996




How to Cite

Cunningham, P. . (2023). Negotiating with UtilitiesProcedures and Techniques . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 18(4), 46–57. Retrieved from


