Current Happenings in Electric Utility Deregulation Now IS THE TIME FOR USERS TO RENEGOTIATE THEIR CONTRACTS
For e nergy use rs, the d riving force that m akes ren egot iating an elec-
tric con trac t rea lis tic is the dereg ula tion of th e elec tric ut ility in d us try .
Mo n umenta l cha nges are occurring that has th e who le ind us try is c haos
at th e m om ent. Uti lities a re scram bling to ret ain or gai n m ar ket s hare .
New a lt erna tives for powe r su pp lies wi ll be com e available. Re gul at or y
age ncies are beco m ing more flexible.
Ma ny user s are findi ng the ut ilities very willing to cha nge fro m a
rigid app roach to a cus tomer orien ted attitud e in an ticipa tion of f urth er
cha nge s in the deregul ation process. Now is the time to renegot iate yo ur
electric contracts!