Modeling the Insertion Loss of Structured Ethernet Cabling Standard using the Scattering Parameters
category 8 cabling, Ethernet cables, insertion loss, scattering parameters, structured cabling摘要
A method of simulating the insertion loss of different channel configurations of structured Ethernet cabling with reference to standard specifications is presented. The method can aid cable engineers in the study of the performance of Ethernet cabling systems during standardization in order to have a view of what to expect in real life. The paper considered the standard category 8 cabling system as a case study. The method presented used the scattering parameters implemented in Matrix Laboratory (MATLAB) to model the insertion loss of standard category 8 cabling system. The insertion loss simulation results provided good agreements with the standard category 8 cabling system. The method presented will serve as a basis to cable engineers who want to study future structured cabling systems under standardization to aid the design of prototype Ethernet cables.
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