A method for updating joint parameters in medium-frequency vibrations


  • Olivier Dorival LMT Cachan (ENS Cachan - CNRS - Université Paris 6) 61 avenue du Président Wilson, F-94235 Cachan cedex
  • Philippe Rouch LMT Cachan (ENS Cachan - CNRS - Université Paris 6) 61 avenue du Président Wilson, F-94235 Cachan cedex
  • Olivier Allix LMT Cachan (ENS Cachan - CNRS - Université Paris 6) 61 avenue du Président Wilson, F-94235 Cachan cedex




medium frequency, joints, damping, updating, VTCR,, inverse problem, domain decomposition methods


Joints between substructures play a significant role in the vibrational behavior of complex structures because they govern energy flow and most of the dissipative phenomena. In order to identify joint models, this paper proposes a robust updating method which was initially based on studies of the error in constitutive relation in relation to finite element model updating. Here, it is redesigned in order to focus on joint models in medium-frequency problems. In order to do that, we use an alternative numerical approach called the Variational Theory of Complex Rays (VTCR). After introducing the new formulation, the paper analyzes the effectiveness of the approach in identifying a joint’s stiffness and damping.


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How to Cite

Dorival, O. ., Rouch, P. ., & Allix, O. . (2008). A method for updating joint parameters in medium-frequency vibrations. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 17(5-7), 713–723. https://doi.org/10.13052/REMN.17.713-723



Original Article