Approche multirésolution pour l’étude paramétrique d’assemblages par contact et frottement


  • Pierre-Alain Boucard LMT Cachan - ENS Cachan/CNRS/Paris VI 61 av. du Pt Wilson - 94235 Cachan
  • Laurent Champaney LEMA - Univ. de Versailles/CNRS 45 av. des États Unis - 78035 Versailles Cedex


assemblies, contact, friction, uncertainties, parametric study


The objective of this work is to develop a suitable strategy for the parametric analysis of assemblies including contact with friction. Each configuration of an assembly is associated with a choice of values of the parameters (coefficient of friction, prestress). Rather than to carry out a complete calculation for each set of parameters, we use the capacity of the LATIN method [LAD 99] to re-use the solution of a given problem (associated with a set of parameters) to solve others of them.


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How to Cite

Boucard, P.-A. ., & Champaney, L. . (2004). Approche multirésolution pour l’étude paramétrique d’assemblages par contact et frottement. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 13(5-7), 437–448. Retrieved from



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