Damage in sheet metal forming: prediction of necking phenomenon


  • Nathalie Boudeau Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée R. Chaléat (LMARC) UMR CNRS 6604 Université de Franche-Comté/CNRS 24 Rue de l'Epitaphe F-25000 Besançon
  • Arnaud Lejeune Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée R. Chaléat (LMARC) UMR CNRS 6604 Université de Franche-Comté/CNRS 24 Rue de l'Epitaphe F-25000 Besançon
  • Jean-Claude Gelin Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée R. Chaléat (LMARC) UMR CNRS 6604 Université de Franche-Comté/CNRS 24 Rue de l'Epitaphe F-25000 Besançon


plastic instability, yield locus, damage mode/, prediction, FE simulation


Necking is a phenomenon limiting sheet metal-forming processes. The linearised perturbation technique is presented and adapted to various cases of yield criteria, damage models and 2D/3D stress states. Sorne aspects about calculations are given. Final/y two applications of these works are shawn. The first one validates the theory by establishing Forming Limit Diagrams. The second one is the implementation in a FE code and presents the necking predictions obtained on industrial cases ofmetal-forming.


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How to Cite

Boudeau, N. ., Lejeune, A. ., & Gelin, J.-C. . (2001). Damage in sheet metal forming: prediction of necking phenomenon. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 10(2-4), 295–310. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/EJCM/article/view/2749



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