Methodes numeriques avancees en vibroacoustique basses et moyennes frequences


  • Roger Ohayon CNAMILMSS, Laboratoire de Mecanique des Structures et des Systemes Couples, 2 rue Conte, F-75003 Paris
  • Christian Soize ONERAIDDSS, Departement Dynamique des Structures et des Systemes Couples, BP 72, F-92322 Chatillon Cedex


Structural acoustics, vibroacoustics, low-frequency vibrations, medium-frequency vibrations, numerical methods, finite element method, boundary element method, reduced matrix models


This paper presents a synthesis of modeling and associated numerical methods for the prediction of linear vibrations of arbitrary structural-acoustic tridimensional systems constituted of a structure containing an internal dissipative acoustic fluid and surrounded by an external inviscid acoustic fluid occupying an unbounded domain. The model includes wall acoustic impedances. For low-frequency vibroacoustic problems, we present reduced matrix models based on Ritz-Galerkin projection of the finite element model using appropriate modal basis. Finally, for medium-frequency vibroacoustic problems, we present the finite element model and solving methods, i.e. a two time scales procedure and a method of construction of appropriate reduced matrix models.


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How to Cite

Ohayon, R. ., & Soize, C. (1999). Methodes numeriques avancees en vibroacoustique basses et moyennes frequences. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(5-6), 607–637. Retrieved from



Original Article