Numerical prediction of the fiber orientation in steady flows


  • Francisco Chinesta Materiaux Macromoleculaires Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers 292 rue Saint Martin, F-75141 Paris cedex 03
  • Arnaud Poitou Laboratoire de Mecanique et Technologie ENS Cachan I C.N.R.S. I Universite Paris 6 61, Avenue du President Wilson F-94235 Cachan cedex
  • Rafael Torres Departamento de Mecdnica de los Medios Continuos Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Camino de Vera sin. 46071 Valencia. Spain


short fiber reinforced thermoplastic flow, transport equation, method of characteristics, SUPG finite elements method, discontinuous finite volumes


Modelling fibers orientation induced by the flow of short fiber reinforced thermoplastic involves a classical anisotropic Stokes flow problem and a hyperbolic orientation equation. This paper aims to achieve a comparison between different solution techniques suited to the hyperbolicity of the orientation equation (viz. the method of characteristics, the SUPG method and the discontinuous finite volume method).


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How to Cite

Chinesta, F. ., Poitou, A. ., & Torres, R. . (1999). Numerical prediction of the fiber orientation in steady flows. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 8(4), 355–374. Retrieved from



Original Article