Integration numerique de lois de comportement elastoplastique


  • Gilbert Touzot Departement de genie mecanique Universite de Technologie de Compi~gne BP649 60206 Compi~gne
  • Jaouad Dabounou Departement de genie mecanique Universite de Technologie de Compi~gne BP649 60206 Compi~gne


finite elements, stepsize conlrol, Runge-Kutta, consistenl modulus


This paper presents some new integration algorithms for integration of elastoplastic constitutive laws. These algorithms are designed for use in finite element codes. In all methods presented the error is controlled by adjusting the size of each substep automatically. An original technique of adjusting the stepsize and extending the solution in case of using a fourth order Runge-Kutta method is proposed. Neither of the algorithms requires any form of stress correction to avoid drift from the yield surface. To preserve the quadratic convergence of the iterative Newton-Raphson schemes, an expression of tangent moduli consistent with the integration algorithm is developed. The proposed methods are compared with other inlegration algorithms and are tested with several examples.



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How to Cite

Touzot, G. ., & Dabounou, J. . (1993). Integration numerique de lois de comportement elastoplastique. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2(4), 465–494. Retrieved from



Original Article