Resolution auto-adaptative par elements finis de problemes de diffusion fortement non lineaires


  • Stephane Bonelli et CEMAGREF BP 31, Le Tholonet 13612 Aix-en-Provence cedex OJ
  • Frederic Golay et FRAMASOFT-CSI 10 rue Juliette Recamier BP 3083 69398 Lyon cedex 03
  • Olivier Debordes Equipe « Modeles Numeriques » Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique (CNRS) et lnstitut Mediterraneen de Technologie Technopole de Chtiteau Gombert 13451 Marseille cedex 20


thermic, unsaturated flow, finite element, automatic solving


For many non stationnary problems, the time steps necessary to finite element computing are most of the time very difficult to determine. Thus, we propose an automatic method and we apply it to solve diffusion's equations. After analysing on simple cases the principe of this method, we solve two problems hightly non linear. The first one consists on the curing process of a composite structure (thermo-chemical coupling), and the second consists on the simulation of an earthdam's filling (flow in porous media).



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How to Cite

Bonelli, S. ., Golay, F. ., & Debordes, O. . (1993). Resolution auto-adaptative par elements finis de problemes de diffusion fortement non lineaires. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 2(4), 495–515. Retrieved from



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