Global Standardization Education Program Collaborated by Osaka Univ. and MJIIT, UTM
Education on Global Standardization, Generic, Academic, UniversityAbstract
In Osaka University, the Education on Global Standardization Program (UnivEoGSz) for post-graduate students is offered by the Interdisciplinary Center of Osaka University and extensively developed since 2009. The Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) is now going to setup the courses of standardization education as a sub program in collaboration with Osaka University for Malaysian academics and university students. In this article, the objectives and frameworks of this global standardization education program will be evaluated, especially on the existing Osaka Univ. program and MJIIT program. The general issues on standardization education and the results of case studies on the current trends of global standardization are discussed. The contents of Osaka Model, which MJIIT is now adopting, are slightly different from the conventional educations regarding the introduction of standards, which was architected for the general local schools and companies. It is expected that the article will give a valuable example for understanding on the future direction of standardization educations and advance further its activities in academic and/or university on the issue. And by promoting this education, we hope the conceptual paradigm regarding standardization will be shifted from the just simple international standardization, as reflecting international expansion of the intellectual property right (IPR) based national standard, to global standardization, as commonly acceptable one beyond IPR.And it focuses more enhancing the innovativeness, entrepreneurial and global standardization activities as well.
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