Human Motion Capture Data Retrieval and Segmentation Technology for Professional Sports Training


  • Hui Chen Wuhan Sports Institute, Hubei, 430079, China



professional sports training, human motion capture data retrieval, ata retrieval and segmentation technology, capture data


Human motion capturing is frequently used in sports research. The focus of this research is to help the user choose an appropriate motion capture system for their experimental setup for sports activities that addresses the challenges of linear size and acceptable fits with non-linear futures. In this paper, the eigenvalue combination was used to represent different motion postures, so as to construct an index space related to the motion sequence; and according to this index space, fast and accurate motion retrieval was done; at the same time, a motion data segmentation method based on MVU nonlinear dimensionality reduction was proposed. MVU can overcome the shortcomings that the linear size is reduced and difficult to deal with nonlinear features, and can better fit human motion data, and achieve higher accuracy.


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Author Biography

Hui Chen, Wuhan Sports Institute, Hubei, 430079, China

Hui Chen Master of Physical Education and Training, lecturer, graduated from the Wuhan Sports University in 2010, Worked in Wuhan Sports University, her research interests include Theory and practice of modern sports training and theory and practice of physical training.


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How to Cite

Chen, H. . (2022). Human Motion Capture Data Retrieval and Segmentation Technology for Professional Sports Training. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 19(02), 419–436.



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