Current Issue

2024: Vol 20 Iss 6
Published: 2025-02-07

SW2023: Massive Information by A Plethora of Devices (AIMS)

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The Journal of Mobile Multimediaprovides a forum for the discussion and exchange of ideas and information on the issues and challenges brought by emerging networking and computing technologies for mobile applications and services. Researchers, students, and professionals share material on the control and management of such networks to enable multimedia services and intelligent mobile computing applications.

Mobile Multimedia is an integral part of our lives. A vast variety of mobile multimedia services like mobile Internet, social media and networks, mobile commerce and transactions, mobile video conferencing, video and audio streaming, mobile gaming, interactive virtual and augmented reality, smart city, and Internet of Things, has already shaped the expectations towards mobile devices, infrastructure, applications and services, and international standards. Further open technological challenges remain, from limited battery life to limited spectrum accommodating heterogeneous data, increases in quality of service, user experience, context-aware adaptation to the environment, and the ever-present security and privacy issues.

When autonomous vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robots bring artificial intelligence to our daily life, Communication/Navigation and Sensing for Services (CONASENSE) together with machine learning, big data analysis, sensor networks and information fusion, context-aware and location aware intelligence, and multi-agent systems shall rapidly elevate technological horizon and enrich mobile multimedia from 5G to ever growing wireless networking and mobile computing.

The Journal of Mobile Multimedia is devoted to the publication of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications related to mobile multimedia. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews and surveys, and technical notes are invited for publication. While JMM covers a broad range of topics, we are soliciting papers that provide a perspective on all aspects of mobile networking and computing, including, but not be limited to:

  • Mobile Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence and Mobile Computing
  • Mobile Multimedia Communications
  • Mobile Social Networks and Big Data Analytics
  • Mobile Multimedia Applications, Services, and Platforms