From QoS to QoE plus QoT in Beyond 5G Networks
Beyond 5G (B5G), Quality of Service (QoS), Quality of Experience (QoE), Quality of Task (QoT), Haptic-Enabled Internet of Skills (IoS), Remote-Robotic Surgery Applications, Human-in-the-Loop (HITL), Task-Technology Fit (TTF) MoodellingAbstract
In the Beyond 5G (B5G) era, a paradigm shift from technical Quality of Service (QoS) oriented networks to user-centric Quality of Experience (QoE) centred network architectures is expected to occur. With this development, the infusion of QoE user requirements into B5G networks will be critical to the emergence of ultra-reliable and ultra-low latency haptic-enabled Internet applications of the future. One such application which will signify the emergence of a tele-haptic Internet will be the mission-critical use case of remote robotic surgical task performance, precipitating a transition from content-based to skillset delivery networks for an augmented user experience. In extending network QoS to user focused QoE and with it, Quality of Task (QoT) dimensions, human users in a global control loop (such as robotic surgeons) will be capable of true-to-life immersive remote task performance through the manipulation of objects in real-time and across large geographical distances. In this paper, we discuss the linkages between network and user-centric QoS and QoE (with QoT) perspectives. Further, we explain the emergence of a future B5G network and haptic-enabled Internet of Skills (IoS), and draw on the example of an architecture applied to the task-sensitive mission-critical use case of tele-haptic surgery. In doing so, we conceptualise and present Task-Technology Fit (TTF) theoretical and predictive modelling that can be empirically applied to this futuristic use case for a novel QoE/QoT perspective of future B5G communication networks.
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