Securing Service Instantiation on Next-generation Networks


  • Rodrigo Santos Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal
  • Daniel Corujo 1) Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal 2) Department of Electronic, Telecommunication and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Portugal
  • José Quevedo Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal
  • Rui Aguiar 1) Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal 2) Department of Electronic, Telecommunication and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Portugal



Next-generation software defined networks, P4, service provisioning, monitoring


The Next Generation of Software Defined Networks (NG-SDN) enables a whole new set of possibilities for innovation in the data plane (e.g., computing, monitoring, load-balancing). In parallel, we have been witnessing the increasing adoption of virtualized services running in light but efficient containers, which brings forth the capability to flexibly deploy services at the network edge, while providing dynamic scaling and management. As a result, operators have tap in a lot of computational real-estate as part of the adoption of telco cloud concepts, as well as to support the foreseen edge and fog computing scenarios. However, exposing the infrastructure to third parties and realizing complex services over a multi-stakeholder environment raises challenges at different levels (e.g., security, reliability, SLA guarantees). Reconfiguring the data plane for flow monitoring and handling service requests directly on the data plane could address these challenges to support the joint communication and computation vision. This is where this paper contributes by proposing a secure and reliable system for dynamic instantiation of third-party services. A proof-of-concept prototype was developed using P4 and Kubernetes showcasing the feasibility of the proposed approach.


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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Santos, Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal

Rodrigo Santos concluded is master’s degree in Computer and Telematics Engineering in 2023, from the University of Aveiro in Portugal. His master’s dissertation’s topic was on the service instantiation and flow monitoring on Next-Generation Software Defined Networks. The development of his dissertation lead to the writing of this paper which is also his first paper submission.

Daniel Corujo, 1) Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal 2) Department of Electronic, Telecommunication and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Daniel Corujo is an Associate Professor from the University of Aveiro, where he concluded his PhD on Communication Middleware for the Future Mobile Internet, in 2013. He was the coordinator of the Telecommunications and Networking research team at the Instituto de Telecomunicações, in Aveiro, Portugal, a team of over 50 people, from 2017 to 2018. He has been an active researcher and contributor to standardization in the fields of mobility management, through the IETF/IRTF, and Media Independent Handovers, through the IEEE. He has pursued such concepts under the scope of a broad range of EU FP7 research projects since 2007, such as DAIDALOS, OneLab2, 4WARD, MEDIEVAL, OFELIA and 5GROWTH, where he also played key roles from proposal elaboration to task and workpackage co-leading. He is currently WP leader in the national 5G Mobilizer project. Parallel to his 13 years of experience on mobility management research, he has been more recently developing work on the areas of the 5G, Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networking and Information Centric Networking, deploying new visions and enhancements of such concepts over wireless networks, in national and international research projects. He is Vice-chair for the IEEE ComSoc PT Chapter.

José Quevedo, Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal

José Quevedo received his PhD in Telecommunications from the MAP-tele Doctoral Programme in Telecommunications in 2020. His early research activities were focused on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) approaches for supporting Internet of Things (IoT) scenarios. This work, conducted in the Telecommunications and Networking – Av Group (TN-Av) at Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT-Av) and University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal, has been disseminated in book chapters, conference and journal papers, and as contributions to open-source software. He has been involved in the different stages of several research projects (e.g., H2020 5Growth, H2020 5GASP). He has been further involved in the academy by working as an Invited Adjunct Professor at the University of Aveiro – Águeda School of Technology and Management (ESTGA). Currently he is the executive manager of the 5GAIner laboratory and a Senior Researcher at IT-Av working in areas related to networking protocols, network programmability and 5G and beyond systems.

Rui Aguiar, 1) Institute of Telecommunications, Aveiro, Portugal 2) Department of Electronic, Telecommunication and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Portugal

Rui Aguiar is currently a Full Professor at Universidade de Aveiro. He was the founder of the ATNOG research group, an advanced telecommunication research group at the Universidade de Aveiro and is currently co-coordinating a research line in Instituto de Telecomunicações, on the area of Networks and Services. He has been an advisory for the portuguese Secretaria de Estado das Comunicações and member of the task force for 5G cybersecurity. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a member of ACM. He has served as the Portugal Chapter Chair of IEEE Communications Society and has been serving as Steering Board Chair of Networld Europe, the European ETP representing the telecommunications community, engaged in the discussions of the future European R\&D workprogrames for telecommunications. As further community engagement, he has served as Technical and General (co)Chair of several conferences (ICNS, ICT, ISCC, Mobiarch, Monami, NTMS, etc). He is a regular keynote speaker in the future of mobile communications and digital society, with dozens of talks across the whole world. He is an associated editor of Wiley’s Emerging Telecommunication Technologies and Springer’s Wireless Networks.


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How to Cite

Santos, R. ., Corujo, D. ., Quevedo, J. ., & Aguiar, R. . (2024). Securing Service Instantiation on Next-generation Networks. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 20(01), 215–238.



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