Outlier Detection Methods and the Challenges for their Implementation with Streaming Data
Outlier detection, data mining, streaming data, artificial intelligenceAbstract
Outlier detection has been a generally examined issue and highly used in a varied range of spaces. For example, transaction fraud, certain rise and fall in share market, sudden changes in weather, interruption detection for digital security, and fraud detection in security design patterns in data. Data mining is the rule of dealing with big amounts of data and choosing the important. Outlier detection is data mining procedures that identify uncommon occasions and special cases. This paper discusses fundamental concepts of outlier detection, the outlier types and the challenges in their detection. An in-depth presentation of outlier detection techniques is given which are divided into three major categories: supervised, semi supervised, and unsupervised. Special attention is given to unsupervised outlier detection. The existing algorithms and techniques in this category are elaborated in detail and the advantages and shortcomings of these techniques are summarized. The analyses of the existing algorithms for outlier detection show that no one of them completely satisfies all the requirements for scalability, work on high dimensional datasets with satisfactory time complexity and efficient memory usage especially when applied on streaming data. This is why the study suggests that there is a need of a hybrid approach that combines classical algorithms and artificial intelligence algorithm to provide efficient solution for outlier detection of streaming data with good key performance indicators.
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