Recent Advances of Heterogenous Radio Access Networks: A Survey


  • Yaohua Sun Student Member, IEEE Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications (Ministry of Education), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
  • Mugen Peng Senior Member, IEEE Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications (Ministry of Education), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China


HetNets, cost efficiency, signal processing, radio resource allocation, clustering


As a promising paradigm to provide high spectral efficiency and energy efficiency, heterogenous radio access networks (HetNets) have attracted a lot of attention from both academia and industry. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the recent advances in HetNets, including system architecture evolutions, key techniques, and open issues. The system architectures introduced include conventional HetNets, HetNets with cloud computing, and HetNets with fog computing. In addition, a novel performance metric, together with network self-organization and access slicing, is elaborated, which can help realize a cost-efficient HetNet. Moreover, the other state-of-the-art key techniques in HetNets are surveyed, including nonorthogonal multiple access, interference suppression, and channel estimation in the physical layer, the radio resource allocation in the medium access control layer, and clustering in the network layer. Given the extensiveness of the research area, future research opportunities are identified, which are related to access slicing, HetNets driven by deep learning, and so on.



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How to Cite

Sun, Y. ., & Peng, M. . (2018). Recent Advances of Heterogenous Radio Access Networks: A Survey. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 14(4), 345–366. Retrieved from


