
  • MILTIADIS D. LYTRAS The American College of Greece – Deree College, Greece


mobile learning, multimedia learning, pre-school education, new technology


The growing use of mobile and multimedia learning in our day lives has affected different domains of education. Nowadays, recent development in the role of kindergarten –preschool education in children’s progress includes the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and especially the support of mobile and multimedia tools. Mobile and multimedia are recognized as the tools that can foster the knowledge and the experiences for this crucial age and the support of specific areas in kindergarten according to the educational perspective is thought significant. In this paper we present an overview of the most representative studies of the last decade (2003-2014) which concentrates on the skills that are examined in kindergarten (early literacy, early mathematics, cognitive, social-emotional, motor) and are supported by mobile and multimedia educational tools. The effectiveness of them in special education is also examined.



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How to Cite

DRIGAS, A. ., KOKKALIA, G. ., & LYTRAS, M. D. (2015). MOBILE AND MULTIMEDIA LEARNING IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11(1-2), 119–133. Retrieved from


