
  • HA MANH TRAN Computer Science and Engineering International University-Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • SYNH VIET UYEN HA Computer Science and Engineering International University-Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • HUYNH TU DANG Computer Science and Engineering International University-Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
  • KHOA VAN HUYNH Network and Services Management VNPT Dong Thap-VNPT Group Dong Thap, Vietnam


Cloud Computing, Fault Resolution, Peer-to-Peer Network, Inter-Cloud Environment, Bug Tracking System


Fault resolution in communication networks and distributed systems is a complicated process that demands the involvement of system administrators and supporting systems in monitoring, diagnosing, resolving and recording faults. This process becomes more challenging in inter-cloud environment where multiple cloud systems coordinate in provisioning applications and services. In this context, we propose a fault resolution system that assists system administrators in resolving faults in inter-cloud environment. The proposed system is characterized by the capability of sharing and searching fault knowledge resources among cloud systems for fault resolution. It uses a peer-to-peer network of fault managers that provide facilities to monitor faults occurring in cloud systems and search similar faults with solutions occurring in other cloud systems. We have implemented several components of the proposed system including fault monitor, fault searcher and fault updater. We have also experimented and evaluated the prototyping system on fault databases obtained from several fault sources, such as bug tracking systems, online discussion forums and vendor knowledge bases.



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How to Cite

TRAN, H. M. ., UYEN HA, S. V., DANG, H. T. ., & HUYNH, K. V. . (2014). FAULT RESOLUTION SYSTEM FOR INTER-CLOUD ENVIRONMENT. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 10(1-2), 016–029. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/JMM/article/view/4591


