
  • QUOC-THINH NGUYEN- VUONG Network and Multimedia Systems Research Group IIE, University of Evry, Evry, France
  • NAZIM AGOULMINE Network and Multimedia Systems Research Group IIE, University of Evry, Evry, France


IMS, PBM, E2E QoS, DiffServ, Negotiation agent, Bandwidth Broker


The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has defined an IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) for Third Generation (3G) networks. IMS offers services for any type of IP communication that can be provided by third parties independently of underlying access technology. The main challenge for IMS in the future is to support proper interworking with underlying resource management in order to provide the end-to-end QoS assurance. This problem has been addressed by the 3GPP as well as within several projects. However, the proposed solutions have concerned mainly the UMTS Radio Access Network (RAN) and core network domains while the resources at the border with the external IP domains are considered as static. In this paper, we introduce an enhancement of the 3GPP QoS architecture that allows a dynamic and automatic resource provisioning between the UMTS network and the external IP core network to respond to the variable demands of end users. This new mechanism provides the operators a more efficient resource utilization to support a larger number of IMS sessions in a cost-effective manner.



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How to Cite

VUONG, Q.-T. N.-., & AGOULMINE, N. . (2007). INTER-DOMAIN SLS NEGOTIATION FOR END-TO-END UMTS/IMS QoS. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 3(2), 118–130. Retrieved from


