Why Public Policy is Weak Medicine for Industrial Energy Costs


  • Christopher Russell Principal, Energy Pathfi nder Management Consulting Baltimore, Maryland December 2006


There is little doubt about the impact of rising energy costs on the
profitability of American industrial activity. Energy consumers, produc-
ers, and government leaders are all compelled to “do something” about
this challenge. As a result, energy issues have been a prominent feature
of federal policy agendas in recent years. However, the policy-making
process draws participants with highly varied perceptions of the causes
of (and solutions for) today’s energy market problems. Finance-minded
business leaders usually anticipate a supply or price-oriented solu-
tion. Engineers support solutions in the form of advanced technology
research and development. Government action emerges in the form of
policies and programs, but whose agenda is reflected in these actions? Is
it practical to expect lawmakers to solve industry’s energy cost control
issues? This article examines these questions. The conclusion is that
policy makers can help, but the true solution to industry’s energy cost
control challenges comes from leadership and accountabilities devel-
oped within industrial facilities themselves.


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Author Biography

Christopher Russell , Principal, Energy Pathfi nder Management Consulting Baltimore, Maryland December 2006

Christopher Russell is the principal of Energy Pathfi nder Management Consulting, LLC, an organization dedicated to the design and implementation of energy management strategies for business organizations. His 20-year career features a consistent focus on marketing, fi nance, and business development. Christopher has documented and evaluated energy management practices at dozens of facilities, and has advised utilities, trade associations, and government agencies in the planning and promotion of industrial energy assistance programs. As the director of industrial programs at the Alliance to Save Energy (1999- 2006), he led, identifi ed, documented, and communicated corporate energy management strategies as well as industrial energy assessment techniques. As an expert in industrial energy cost control, Christopher is in high demand as a writer, consultant, and keynote speaker at industry conferences. He is recognized by the Association of Energy Engineers as both a Certifi ed Energy Manager and a Certifi ed Energy Procurement Specialist. Christopher joined the board of directors of the Fuel Fund of Maryland in 2006, and is also on the advisory board for the Texas A&M Industrial Energy Technology Conference. He holds an MBA and Master’s of Arts from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. His energy management blog is updated every Monday and Friday, and is found at http://energypathfi nder.blogspot.com; he can be reached at crussell@energypathfi nder.com.




How to Cite

Russell , C. . (2023). Why Public Policy is Weak Medicine for Industrial Energy Costs. Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 27(2), 33–41. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/SPEE/article/view/20015


