Money to Burn: Why Manufacturing Profits Go Up in Smoke


  • Christopher Russell Director, Industry Sector Alliance to Save Energy


This article is fiction in the truest sense. “Castiform Plastics,” and the
characters involved, are all imaginary; any similarity to real companies and
persons is coincidental. But while the “fabric” is fiction, the “threads” come
from true stories—anecdotes shared at conferences, workshops, and plant visits.
Understandably, no industry professional wants unflattering comments about
their facilities to be published. That does not diminish the learning value that
comes from observing others’ mistakes. This article was assembled from confi-
dential anecdotes collected over the past five years. The intent is to illustrate the
stop-and-start nature that characterizes so many energy management efforts,
ultimately resulting in business impacts that fall far short of their potential.


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Author Biography

Christopher Russell, Director, Industry Sector Alliance to Save Energy

A fi ve-year employee of the Alliance to Save Energy, Christopher Russell was promoted to director of industry sector in 2004. In this capacity, he leads the alliance’s efforts to advance energy effi ciency in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Russell frequently writes for trade press and speaks at industry conferences nationwide.

To complement the engineering dimension that dominates industrial energy dialogue, the alliance industrial sector programs deal with managerial and fi nancial aspects, so that the dialogue moves “from the boiler room” to corporate boardrooms.

Russell entered the energy industry in 1992 as a market analyst with Washington Gas. From 1995, he was both an industrial policy analyst and market analyst with the American Gas Association. He joined the Alliance in 1999 as a program manager. Russell holds an MBA and an MA from the University of Maryland and a BA from McGill University of Canada.

Board and professional affi liations: Certifi ed Energy Manager (Association of Energy Engineers); Advisory Board Member, Texas A&M; Industrial Energy Technology Conference Steering Committee Member, Maryland Industries of the Future Program Russell can be reached at; (202) 530-2225




How to Cite

Russell, C. . (2023). Money to Burn: Why Manufacturing Profits Go Up in Smoke . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 25(3), 55–66. Retrieved from


