Energy Management Pathfinding: Understanding Manufacturers’ Ability and Desire to Implement Energy Efficiency


  • Christopher Russell Director, Industry Sector Alliance to Save Energy


Manufacturers are scrambling for relief from today’s energy ex-
penses and price volatility. Most industry decision-makers believe the
solution is to seek the lowest available energy prices. Too often, manag-
ers fail to grasp the opportunities offered by energy management, which
focuses on both consumption and prices. Industry can be resistant to
energy management for a variety of reasons. Simply put, energy man-
agement has no traditional place in the typical manufacturer’s chart of
organization, job descriptions, and performance accountabilities. While
technology is fundamental to energy efficiency, it is people who make
it work in an organizational context. DuPont, Frito-Lay, Unilever, and
Kimberly-Clark are a few of the forward-thinking companies that have
found ways to build energy management into their daily operations
to positive effect. The Alliance to Save Energy (ASE) is documenting
these companies’ experiences in a series of case studies that reflect the
organizational and behavioral aspects of corporate-wide energy man-
agement. Case studies show that energy management motives and ap-
proaches are somewhat varied—there is no “one size fits all” solution.
ASE offers a typology of industrial energy management strategies to
illustrate the range of opportunities available to industry. Ultimately, it
is a manufacturer’s organizational character that determines its ability
to manage energy consumption. A checklist included in this article al-
lows the reader to diagnose a manufacturer’s aptitude for undertaking
various energy management strategies


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Author Biography

Christopher Russell , Director, Industry Sector Alliance to Save Energy

A fi ve-year employee of the Alliance to Save Energy, Christopher Russell was promoted to director of industry sector in 2004. In this capacity, he leads the alliance’s efforts to advance energy effi ciency in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. Russell frequently writes for trade press and speaks at industry conferences nationwide. To complement the engineering dimension that dominates industrial energy dialogue, the alliance industrial sector programs deal with managerial and fi nancial aspects, so that the dialogue moves “from the boiler room” to corporate boardrooms.

Russell entered the energy industry in 1992 as a market analyst with Washington Gas. From 1995, he was both an industrial policy analyst and market analyst with the American Gas Association. He joined the alliance in 1999 as a program manager. Russell holds an MBA and an MA from the University of Maryland and a BA from McGill University of Canada.

Board and professional affi liations: Certifi ed Energy Manager (Association of Energy Engineers); Advisory Board Member, Texas A&M Industrial Energy Technology Conference; Steering Committee Member, Maryland Industries of the Future Program Christopher can be reached at; (202) 530-2225




How to Cite

Russell , C. . (2023). Energy Management Pathfinding: Understanding Manufacturers’ Ability and Desire to Implement Energy Efficiency . Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment, 25(3), 20–54. Retrieved from


