"Steam Champions" Save Energy in Manufacturing Facilities
Traditionally, industrial steam system management has focused
on operations and maintenance. Competitive pressures, technology
evolution, and increasingly complex regulations provide additional
management challenges. The practice of operating a steam system
demands the managerial expertise of a “Steam Champion,” which will
be described in this article.
Briefly, the steam champion is a facility professional who em-
bodies the skills, leadership, and vision needed to maximize the effec-
tiveness of a plant’s steam system. Perhaps more importantly, the
steam champion’s definitive role is that of liaison between the
manufacturer’s boardroom and the plant floor.
As such, the champion is able to translate the functional impacts
of steam optimization into equivalent corporate rewards, such as in-
creased profitability, reliability, workplace safety, and other benefits.
The prerequisites for becoming a true steam champion will include
engineering, business, and management skills.
Jones, Ted. 1997. “Steam Partnership: Improving Steam System Effi-
ciency Through Marketplace Partnerships.” Steam Digest 2000: 5-
Wright, Anthony. 2001. Steam System Scoping Tool, a self-contained
spreadsheet template available at no charge from the Steam Clear-
inghouse: steamline @energy.wsu.edu or (800) 862-2086.
Russell, Christopher. 2000. “Steam Efficiency: impacts from Boilers to the
Boardroom.” Steam Digest 2000: 23-34. Also available from: http://
www. ase. org/programs/industrial/Boil2Bord.pdf