A natural neighbour Galerkin method with octree structure


  • José Javier Laguardia Aragón Institute of Engineering Research, University of Zaragoza Edificio Betancourt, María de Luna, 7. E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
  • Elias Cueto Aragón Institute of Engineering Research, University of Zaragoza Edificio Betancourt, María de Luna, 7. E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain
  • Manuel Doblaré Aragón Institute of Engineering Research, University of Zaragoza Edificio Betancourt, María de Luna, 7. E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain


Natural Neighbour interpolation, structured meshes, octree, voxels, R-functions


We present in this paper a highly structured numerical method based on the employ of natural neighbour interpolation in a Galerkin framework. It employs an octree discretisation of the domain, thus being suitable for numerical simulations in voxelized domains, obtained after image processing, for instance, and medical image techniques in particular, with nearly no user intervention. The accuracy of the method and computational cost are also addressed in this paper. We present some examples that illustrate this behaviour.


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How to Cite

Laguardia, J. J., Cueto, E. ., & Doblaré, M. . (2006). A natural neighbour Galerkin method with octree structure. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 15(6), 529–548. Retrieved from https://journals.riverpublishers.com/index.php/EJCM/article/view/2079



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