Optimisation de maillage surfacique de pièces mécaniques par une méthode diffuse inverse
surface mesh generation, diffuse approximation, feature recognition, meshless techniquesAbstract
We propose in this paper a method to identify on a mesh geometric primitives commonly used in mechanical parts (plane, sphere, cylinder, torus, cone) in order to improve the quality of the surface remeshing. We have already presented techniques to adapt an existing surface mesh based on a meshfree technique denoted as Diffuse Interpolation. In this approach, a secondary local geometrical model is built from the mesh. From this model, principal curvatures are calculated and the type of surface can be determined from the computation of the curvatures. Some of the concepts presented here are original while others have been adapted from techniques used in reverse engineering. Our approach is not limited to feature recognition on meshes but has been extended to set of points.
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