Sur I' adaptativite des maillages a base de quadrilateres Application a I'automatisation de calculs elements finis en elasticite 2D


  • Patrice Coorevits Laboratoire de Mecanique et Technologie ENS de Cachan I CNRS I Universite P. et M. Curie 61 avenue du President Wilson 94235CachanCedex
  • Jean-Pierre Pelle Laboratoire de Mecanique et Technologie ENS de Cachan I CNRS I Universite P. et M. Curie 61 avenue du President Wilson 94235CachanCedex
  • Philippe Rougeot Laboratoire de Mecanique et Technologie ENS de Cachan I CNRS I Universite P. et M. Curie 61 avenue du President Wilson 94235CachanCedex


error in constitutive relation, adaptivity, mesh with quadrilateral elements, automation


This paper gives a procedure of mesh adaptivity with quadrilateral elements. This procedure uses an error measure based on the constitutive relation, an efficient adaptive technique which automatically takes account of the singularities and the regions of stress concentration and a mesh generator of quadrilateral elements. We propose as application for 2D elastic structures the extension of automation of the finite element analysis which has been developed for triangular elements to the quadrilateral elements. The user describes the problem and the level of desired accuracy. The procedure then provides an approximate solution for a minimal computation cost with the respect of the desired accuracy. Examples are presented for discretizations using 4- or 8-node quadrilateral elements.



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How to Cite

Coorevits, P. ., Pelle, J.-P. ., & Rougeot, P. . (1994). Sur I’ adaptativite des maillages a base de quadrilateres Application a I’automatisation de calculs elements finis en elasticite 2D. European Journal of Computational Mechanics, 3(3), 379–409. Retrieved from



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