An efficient architecture for energy recovery in hydraulic elevators
hydraulic elevator, energy regeneration, hydraulic transformer, variable-displacement pump/motorAbstract
This study introduces an efficient architecture for hydraulically counter-weighting an elevator system while controlling for cab speed. A physical model of the architecture is developed and posed as a single-input single-output system in which the ratio of two hydraulic pump/motor swash plate angles serve as the control input for regulating the output cab speed. Heuristic control rules based on efficiency considerations and elevator operation are posed for the swash plate angles. A high-fidelity simulation tool is then employed to assess the new architecture and control approach. Simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the devised control strategy and the overall satisfactory operation of the elevator system. Simulations also provide comparisons of the new architecture’s efficiency vs. an electrohydraulic elevator architecture employing a motor/generator for energy capture and return. It’s shown that the introduced architecture yields up to a 13% increase in actuation efficiency over the electrohydraulic system, and up to a 23% reduction in input energy over a day’s operation. It is anticipated that the gains in energy efficiency, and the reduced complexity and cost (vs. electrohydraulic systems), make the new architecture attractive for continued exploration.
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