A novel design concept for variable delivery flow external gear pumps and motors


  • Ram Sudarsan Devendran Maha Fluid Power Research Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University 1500 Kepner Dr, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA
  • Andrea Vacca Maha Fluid Power Research Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University 1500 Kepner Dr, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA




external gear pumps and motors, variable displacement, variable delivery, pump optimization, energy efficiency


This paper presents an original concept for variable delivery external spur gear machines, which combines the well-known advantages of these units (such as low cost, good reliability, acceptable efficiency) – traditionally fixed displacement – in a solution capable of varying the amount of flow displaced at each shaft revolution. The proposed design concept realizes a variable timing for the connections of each tooth space volume with the inlet and outlet ports, through a movable element (“slider”) placed at the gears lateral side. The position of the slider determines the amount of flow displaced by the unit per revolution. In order to extend the range of flow variation achievable by the unit, an asymmetric involute tooth profile for the gears was proposed. A multi-objective genetic algorithm was used to optimize the design of the gears along with the design of the timing grooves in the slider. This algorithm is based on the HYGESIM (HYdraulic GEar machines Simulator) tool developed by the authors’ research group for the evaluation of the performance of every particular design. The optimal design solution, capable of achieving 40% flow variation (from 100% to 60%), was realized in a working proof of concept and tested for the case of a pump, although the solution is in principle valid for both pumps and motors. Experimental results were in line with the numerical predictions and show the potential of this design concept of achieving flow variations in an energy efficient fashion, with volumetric and hydro-mechanical efficiency at reduced displacements in line with other state of the art variable displacement units.

Therefore, the proposed design can impact current applications for external gear pumps and motors, offering the additional flow-on-demand capability. Furthermore, it can be utilized in several other engineering applications in which traditional external gear machines were not a viable alternative because of their intrinsic fixed displacement nature.


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Author Biographies

Ram Sudarsan Devendran, Maha Fluid Power Research Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University 1500 Kepner Dr, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA

Ram Sudarsan Devendran received his Masters’ degree in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue University in 2012. Currently he is a PhD candidate whose research interests include the development of a novel design of variable displacement type external gear machines. Also, his research focusses on optimization of the designs of the external gear machines focusing on unconventional gear profiles, based on a multitude of performance features.

Andrea Vacca, Maha Fluid Power Research Center, School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University 1500 Kepner Dr, Lafayette, IN 47905, USA

Andrea Vacca received his Masters’ degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Parma (Italy) in 1999 and his Doctorate in Energy Systems from the University of Florence (Italy) in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor for the School of Mechanical engineering as well the Agricultural & Biological Department. His current research includes a broad range of analysis, modeling and testing of fluid power systems and hydraulic components. Particular goals of his research are the improvement of energy efficiency and controllability of fluid power systems and the reduction of noise emissions of fluid power components. To accomplish the goals of his research, Prof. Vacca’s research team has developed original numerical techniques to simulate fluid power systems and components, especially gear machines and hydraulic control valves.


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How to Cite

Devendran, R. S., & Vacca, A. (2014). A novel design concept for variable delivery flow external gear pumps and motors. International Journal of Fluid Power, 15(3), 121–137. https://doi.org/10.1080/14399776.2014.977699



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